Most credit card terminal leases involve a 48 month term, and at least $20 a month. That totals $960 in payments! If you buy this same terminal for $160 from Merchant Warehouse, and charge it to a credit card, you could have it paid it off in nine months, with interest, for the same $20 monthly payment.
The Games Lease Providers Play:
Most merchants are given inflated costs to make them more inclined to lease. For instance, some companies will say a terminal, which costs $160 at Merchant Warehouse, costs $500. With no frame of reference, many new customers will simply assume this is accurate, but may not have the cash or credit for that amount.
Also, some companies claim tax advantages to leasing. This is simply false. It is true that lease payments are deductible, but any business purchase is deductible. Would you rather deduct an expense or have the cash in your pocket?
That’s not the only bad news. Here are a few more facts about leasing credit card terminals…
- Credit Card Machine Leasing Contracts are Binding.
- You Have to Return the Equipment.
- Leasing Has Costly Strings Attached
unless you contact them to cancel.
o Equipment insurance is required for all leases, adding to monthly fees.
Don’t get stuck in a long-term leasing contract while paying far more than necessary to process credit cards.